Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A bad boy for christmas by Kelly hunter

If there's any book that tells you that fate will bring everything tovether, it's this one ! Nash and Mia has been in foster care since a child. They are now 25 and 30 and Nash has fount his father's place. They expected to get answers from him but what they both didn't expect was that Mia would fall in love with someone who looks exactly like nash, a guy named Cutter. 
Cutter  is a 30 year old fisherman who is in his old ways. He's overprotective and a achiever. He's also the big Jackson brother.  
But Mia doesn't want to act on her feelings for the sake of nash and the new family. She doesn't know if she fits in or not. 
Mia has a spunk that not everyone loves and appreciates. She's never felt that she belonged. 
How will this story end ??! Will she be accepted will she give into her feelings and most of all does cutter feel the same ??!?!
This book is Deff a 5 star there were some times I had to look up words bc well I'm not an aussie and I don't know boat slang. But the book was well written and it will have you begging for more  !  

I reviewed a copy of this book for my honest review! ! ! 

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