Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Natrogix diffuser review!

Today i bring you the Natrogix diffuser/ humidifier.
This thing is wonderful! It comes with its own little cup so you get the exact amount of water every single time, so no useless trip back to the sink to empty out the cup that you filled up way to much time and time again.
It has 2 settings.
  1. continous flow of vapor/ mist.
  2. run for 10 secs then off 20 secs. might be run for 30 off for 30 i don't remember. [i use mine continously]
The cord comes off of the machine so if you do have to empty it you dont have to take the whole thing.

It has 6 different colors ranging from white to purple and every color in between.  and very easy to use. as soon as you put in the water lock the lid in place [a simple turn of the cover] the mist starts immediately.
In all diffusers the recommeded dosage is 2-3 drops of essential oils but me personally i do 5-7 drops, i like mine strong :)

a few of my favorites are:
  • Lemon- it is a appetite suppressor and clears the air of germs.
  • Peppermint- it helps with my headaches and actually keeps away any critters that would come in the house or room due to the hot heat or the cold air.
  • Eucalyptus- helps with my headaches as well [ i blend this with peppermint, it works wonders]
  • Lavender- it soothes and calms you down really well. makes everything feel fresher in life.
  • Defend from [itworks] it boosts the immunity system.
And that is just a few of the essential oils. Grapefruit is also really good :) it does just about with lemon does :)

So theres my review and how i use my diffuser. I will also just use it as a cool humidifier to put oxygen in the air to help with my sinuses.

Click here for the link :) #NatrogixDiffuser


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