Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Miniancord Bluetooth speaker review

I knew this was going to be small but i didnt realize how small it would be, after all it is a mini ancord bluetooth speaker.
When i opened it, I paired it to my phone! I was that curious because ive bought small ones in the past and they had hardly any sound what so ever, or they buzzed like crazy because there was just not enough room for it to come out of the speaker.
This speaker however did not do that ! My 25 year old brother actually said:: Wow, thats pretty good for a small speaker.
The sound is extra crisp and the bass is actually really good on this thing, suprising i know ! But what i like most about it besides the sound quality is that, that little white thing that you see attached to the speaker is actually a plug that will go into your aux port on your phone, how cool is that ??! And i was looking and reading on the box and i seen where it said "Camera Shutter button" so i opened up my camera on my phone and that picture of me holding the speaker is actually taken with that button. I was shocked. Talk about being sneaky!! This thing has so much to it thats extra, its amazing. who would have ever thought of putting a camera button on this thing?! I know i wouldnt, but im sure its going to come in handy.
If youd like to buy this wonderful amazing speaker, the link is right here :::
 So get to buying:)

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